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Customer Testimonials

"Bill Robinson provides quality plans that work for the builder in that they are easy to read, structually sound and reflect exactly what the client has requested. When I am building to Bill Robinson Drafting Services plans I know I can just get on with building having the confidence in his experience and dedication to quality.

Peter Beitz, Experienced Roma Builder

"When given the choice I always choose Bill Robinson Drafting Services to draw up my projects. No matter what the job Bill has the experience to provide professional plans that save me time because they are practical and well designed. I have commissioned Bill to draft units, quality homes, commercial sheds and store renovations, with the same results every time, happy client and satisfied builder. I highly recommend that if you are looking to build, you contact Bill.

Kev Walker, Experienced Roma Builder

"I contacted Bill's drafting service for plans related to a garage expansion. Not only did he provide a complete set of building plans but offered his expertise in engineering and design improvements. His drawings were complete and well organized. Our site permit was easily approved by our local building inspectors. Even though my company is based in the US, contact with Bill's was never a issue. Thanks Bill for your patience (my onsite changes) and your many courtesies shown me throughout the 6 month build. Ken Ashbrook Dir. Marketing & Sales HamiThermUSA, Inc

-Ken Ashbrook, HamiThermUSA

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